I don’t remember my first bike, but I do remember the one I rode the most as a kid. It was a bike that to me and others seemed freaking huge! The reason was that, while everyone else was riding BMX bikes with 20” wheels, I got a bike that was more of a cross between a BMX and a cruiser with 24” wheels. It had a chrome frame with blue wheels, saddle, grips, and pads on the top tube and handlebar. I grew to love that bike the more I rode it.
I had to do a ton of hunting to find out what that bike was. But once I saw pictures of it I knew right away that was the bike I had. I can’t say the exact year but it looks to be very close to a 1982 Team Murray X24.
If it was indeed 1982 then this would put me at about 10 years old. That sounds about right since I would have been in 4th grade and us kids would then be riding to school thereafter. This would be a bike that I would ride for probably 4 to 5 years all the way into 8th grade.
I vaguely remember my parents taking me to a bike shop to get this bike. I didn't really know what the hell that I wanted other than it needed to be a BMX style bike. Seems my father listened to the bike shop sales guy and was pushed this 24" wheel bike onto us. I suppose for my size it made sense.
I don’t recall there being rear rim brakes but I could be wrong. It did have a coaster brake on it so its quite possible that I ended up just removing the rim brakes altogether. Me being stupid about rim brakes and all I probably removed them since no one else was using them on their bikes.
I do recall the saddle being super uncomfortable to me. It was rock hard and your butt would get numb after riding on it for a while. I remember getting a gel seat cover to help make it more comfortable.

I lived just north of Houston in Spring, Texas. Myself and the kids I grew up with pretty much rode our bikes everywhere. Back in the 80’s, we had creeks that ran through our neighborhood with lots of trees around them. Various bike trails were made that allowed us to go between different parts of the neighborhood. When the creek was low, there were various parts that would be bone dry that you could ride down into. Up and down the streets we went, through the trails, down and back up the creek beds, through more trails, and then back on the streets. Everyone loved to explore the forest trails and creeks.
Problem for me was that I wasn’t quite as fast as everyone else. That Team Murray bike was much heavier that everyone else’s. Definitely had my fair share of times when I just couldn’t keep up. Now, according to one of the entries on the BMX Museum site, this bike had a 39T front sprocket with a 18T rear sprocket. At 90 rpms that would have put me at a speed of around 12-13 mph. Yeah...definitely slower than everyone else. I swear, I think the other kids were hitting 14-15 mph easily with their bikes.
I don’t know how much that bike weighed but it had to be a good 20 pounds or so. The problem I always had was getting up big hills. Our neighborhood was pretty flat. However, when going down and up the creek beds, we have various dirt ramps that were dug out of the creek edges that we could go down and up from. I usually chose the easier ones that had a modest grade to them. The few times I tried going down and up the steeper ones, I would get a little over halfway up and then fall back down. Just couldn’t quite make it up to the other side. Way too steep and too high for me and my 24” rimmed behemoth!
All through junior high school, we would ride our bikes religiously to school and back. Unless it was raining or freezing cold, we were on our bikes. The trip up the main street through our neighborhood and to our school seemed long. Always felt like it took hours to get there. Funny thing is that years later as an adult I went for a stroll through that neighborhood and found that it really wasn’t that far. It’s funny how our perception changes as we get older.
Throughout this time, we more or less maintained our own bikes. My neighbor was more mechanically inclined than I was so he would help me when things went wrong with my bike. I don’t remember having to change out much on that bike. An inner tube now and then. New chain at one point. But pretty much everything else stayed the same. That bike ran so well that I didn’t have to really mess with it hardly at all.
I don’t think I even lubed the chain all that often. In fact, we pretty pretty much just sprayed WD-40 on everything. Magical stuff. Got a dry chain? WD-40 it! A little rust on some parts? WD-40 it! Now, we cyclists know that WD-40 isn’t a great lubricant but us kids didn’t know any better. Seemed to work so we just kept using it.
As a comic book collector, I remember all the various rides I used to take to get my fix on the latest comics. There was probably a good two miles separating all the places I would ride to. I had two different 7-Eleven's I would go to along with an Eckerd drugstore, all with newsstands that carried different titles on a regular basis. To cover all the stuff I read I pretty much had to go to all of them at regular intervals to make sure I didn't miss an issue.
But then, sometime in the mid-80's, a direct market comic shop opened up. That totally opened up new doors to me...and of course a new ride on my bike! The route then became a good two-mile jaunt to the comic shop and back. I remember making that run after getting paid a little money while working part-time at a stand that sold shaved ice. Man, those were good times!
I remember one particular time involving a leather coat and some rain. I had been taking piano lessons for quite some time from my long-time piano teacher. Once I had my bike, I pretty much would ride back and forth to my lessons. I remember one particular trip at a time when it might rain. I had gotten this really cool black leather jacket and, against my mother's advice, decided to wear it to my piano lesson. And, yep, it rained and rained pretty hard. Ended up having to ride home in the rain in that leather jacket. Thanks to the rain, the darn thing felt like it weighed a good 20 pounds! Ended up having to retreat it with some saddle soap and leather treatment after that. Bike was fine though.
Speaking of piano lessons, I had gotten a Korg keyboard for Christmas one year with a case for it and everything. I started jamming with a friend of mine who played drums. I would leave most of my stuff at his house with the exception of my keyboard, toting that thing back and forth between my house and his each time. If I thought the rain soaked jacket felt heavy, that keyboard with the case was definitely heavy. I can't believe I balanced that thing on the handlebars and rode to his house and back with it like that. Just nuts.

Yep, that bike took me places all over my neighborhood...and then some! That is until I got hit.
One day me and my friends were riding back home. They were going pretty fast and I got left behind a bit. I tried to speed up and, at an intersection, made the mistake of trying to run it. BAM! A car hit me from the side and threw me up on the hood. Fortunately, the car wasn't going that fast. Even more fortunate was that I didn't get badly hurt. No broken bones but a nice welt on the side of my left leg where the car hit me. I ended up with a nasty ulcer that took a little while to heal.
The bike got a little smashed. I think one of the wheels needed to be replaced but it was more or less ok. Tough bike to say the least. Although I didn't start riding it again for some time. Even then, it just wasn't the same. My fears of getting hit by a car kind of ruined my joy of riding and the freedom it gave me. High school was starting the following year so the bike ended up in the garage after that. I'm not even sure what happened to it.
I do wonder whatever happened to that bike and where it went. Do bikes have souls? Did it miss me? Did some other kid get to ride it? It's a strange thing to have something that I spent so much time with only to have it forgotten.
But, like my grandparent's bike, it's one of the first bikes I rode that led me to where I'm at now. In many ways, my adventures on that bike down neighborhood streets, through trails and creeks, led me to my love for road and gravel riding.
Go Team Murray!
Note: The pictures shown are not my bike. They're off the BMX Museum site. If this is your bike and pictures, please let me know if it's ok to display them.
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I have a bike like that that I am selling in Dallas tomorrow. Matches my childhood rider. Stories too. Loved having a different bike than others.
I don’t remember the Murray’s growing up, I bought my bike at Western Auto. But recently I found and purchased this exact Murray 24 inch bike with all the original parts. It’s barely been ridden and the guy even had the sales card from the day he bought it. Pretty cool ride and some of the parts are very valuable these days. I would post a photo but I don’t see that option.
I also have some unused pads for these bikes. My friend had a Murray bike shop that he closed in 1984, well before I met him. We opened it up a few years ago and found all the bikes and parts still sitting there. Had at least 1,000 Murray pad sets. I’ve sold most but still have a set or 2 for this bike.
I had a Murray X24 too -loved it and miss it to this day. I tweaked mine a bit for racing - CW bars (standards, not cruiser), 44/16 gearing, 185 cranks, and eventually Skyway Tuff24s (white - still have and ride them on my GT). My friends and I would ride dirt bike trails in “the woods” and even fashioned a practice track in a vacant lot that had a dirt piles and dugout areas. I’m always looking for a 24 with similar geometry because still haven’t found a bike that felt that stable in the air or leaned over in an elbow turn.
Did the math: after accounting for tire size, a 39:18 gear ratio with 24" tires would give a speed just barely under 14 mph with a 90 rpm crank rotational velocity. This sounds about right because my top pedal velocity was around 110 roms and I could keep up with friends (who all had a slightly slower pedal rpm than I did) on their smaller, higher geared bikes while I could still climb hills that they had to walk up.
Makes sense to me. As for walking up hills...yeah...me too! Damn thing was heavy so I definitely couldn't make it up many hills in my neighborhood. :P
I pushed it uphill too! I also used to stand up on the seat and handlebar crossbar and "surf" it standing up! I used to think I was pretty bad ass because none of my friends would try it! THANKS FOR THESE MEMORIES!
Your story is mine…Riding creeks, trails, later realizing area was pretty small. I’m from Dallas.
20 pounds? I'd bet it was closer to twice that. Our bikes back in those days were heavy SOBs.
Heh, you're probably right. Damn thing could have been 40 pounds for all I know. I do know it was indeed heavy. Virtually everyone that tried to ride it pointed that out. :P
What's the difference between the PUCH Murray and the Team Murray x24? Tia
Dunno. Did a quick search on the PUCH. Is that a moped? :P
This was my first bike as well is there any chance of finding one?
Hi Jeff, Great story! I rode a Murray X24 for a Summer or so that a neighborhood friend let me use back in 1983/84. I had a 20" CW back then which I still have but the Murray was the better fit for me being a slightly larger kid.I knew the Murray was more suited to me but felt out of place because I "needed" a bigger bike.I look back on that bike and that time very fondly and the freedom I felt going places and riding the Murray and my CW.The best time to grow up in my opinion and your story made me think of my time and adventures when I was young.
Thanks for sharing, Mike! Glad you have fond memories of your Murray. Amazing how much our early experiences impact the ones we have now. :)
We're about the same age, and I got one of these around the same time, probably 1982. I saw the ads on TV and had to have it. My dad got it at a department store called "Lechmere" which was popular in New England at the time. I loved that bike, despite it's faults. The grips were too hard (replaced them with cobra grips), the seat was awful, and the hand brake was pointless. Still, I rode the snot out of that bike for three or four years. Ultimately, it became an ice bike when I somehow fastened an old ice skate blade to a 2x4 that I'd drilled a hole in for the axle, and rigged to the fork in place of the wheel. It worked great in a straight line, but as soon as you turned, the rear end came around and you wiped out. If only I'd thought to put some sheet metal screws through the rear tire... Hindsight. I don't remember how that bike met its end, but I do remember replacing it with a Mongoose FS-1 somewhere around '86. good memories!
Ha! Awesome memory of that bike! Thanks for sharing! :)
I have the same bike. The only thing i am missing is the top tube frame pad. Anyone want to sell me one? I also bought mine with OG Elina blue seat that everyone is bitching about :) My seat has a small crack, but those seats are worth up to $1,000 today because they are so rare!
I have a full bike of this exact year for sale
Dammit! I'm tempted to ask how much you want for it. :P
Is the Murray x24 still for sale
Err...not unless there's something you know that I don't. That bike was toast after I got hit by a car on it. :P
How much for the bike?
Uhh...I don't have the bike anymore. It got destroyed when I was hit by a car. This article is about my memory of the bike I had as a kid.
Yes, yes and yes. So many memories. I think I got mine in 81-82 (11 or 12) time frame. Loved that bike, but I was jealous of all those with the redlines. My parents were cheap too.
I tell you what ended it for me. I made a big mistake and rode into the middle of a road right when a car was coming. Got hit on the side, landed on the windshield of the car, and rolled off. I was fortunately ok...just a bad gash on my leg where the car hit me. But the bike was totaled. Never saw it again after that day. Bummer. :(
I had one of those '82 X24's too, exactly like what your photos show. I kept the caliper brake on it but didn't use it much. The thing I remember most, besides it weighing a ton, and having a great cruising speed, was just how difficult it was to find replacement 24x2.125 tubes for the thing! That was its only problem--you couldn't find innertubes! Yes, the saddle was hard as a brick, and I actually replaced the seat with another blue softside seat I found in a local shop. But that was the first of several Murray bikes for me, and it was still the best.
You know, it's funny, I seem to recall there being an issue finding tubes as well. I know it got easier to find them once 24" tires were more of a thing.
Another thing is the faux anodized blue components like the handlebars. Damn blue would scratch off way too easily. :P
I'm the same age and had the same bike (Mansfield, OH). It was really pushed as "the bike to have" on TV. I was also very unimpressed with that bike. When i was 15 in '87, I remember seeing a GT PRO Performer in a BMX bike, however those cost way more than I could afford. However, I found one at a garage sale several years ago, and I dumped about $500 in parts into it. Still have it.
Yeah, GT's and Hutch bikes were the ones I remember my friends riding. I think I got stuck with the Team Murray simply because that was all my father wanted to spend on a bike. It was really a budget bike at the time I think. My father was rather frugal and didn't buy anything unless it was on sale. My guess is that it was last year's model at the time and on clearance. Better than a hand-me-down though! :D
Jeff, I had the same bike. Looking for pictures lead me to your article. I loved that bike, I remember the day I got it and I was about the same age. I had a girlfriend and after I got that bike I forgot all about her. My love, my life, and my lady was the road and that bike got me there. I still ride quite a bit road, gravel, mountain bike. I gave my Murray to my little brother and I think it was stolen after I left home. I would love to have one just like it. Thanks for writing the article. Aaron
My pleasure! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. And, of course, thanks for reading! :D
In the 80s, Jeff rode a distinctive 24" Team Murray X24 BMX bike, which combined features of bmx bar in 80s and cruiser bikes. Despite its size and weight making it slower compared to his friends' 20" bikes, Jeff cherished it for the adventures it enabled, from neighborhood trails to comic book shop visits. His bike, memorable for its chrome frame and blue accents, was a key part of his childhood, reflecting both the era's bike culture and his own nostalgic experiences.